
Google has just updated the way their search engine ranks websites, which they do a couple of times a year. While the results are generally not drastic, this does mean that your site may gain or lose traffic. We’ve noticed that some of our clients have gained traffic for content on their site that is particularly useful for searchers.

What is Google looking for in terms of content that will rank highly for you?

  • Write content that is relevant to your audience and addresses their specific problem. Be natural and write for people, not a search engine. Ideally, it should be content that others will want to link and share.
  • Include graphics and video when relevant and when it adds value to your readers.
  • Make sure the page title, headings and sub-headings are relevant, but don’t try to stuff them with keywords.
  • Use internal links, such as linking new pages link to important pages of your site when relevant.

While the new update may not have caused big shifts in your web traffic, it’s a reminder that the game of getting traffic and ultimately business online doesn’t stand still, and you need to keep monitoring your results and improving your site.

If you have decided it’s time to up your SEO game and would like a hand, give us a call. We can put together and help implement a strategy to grow your business through SEO and digital marketing.